
fredag 30 november 2012

onsdag 28 november 2012

today's tips! (28/11-2012)

Today's music tips is:
Eric Saade with his two new singles : 

Miss Unknown


 Marching (In The Name Of Love)


today's tips!

Here is today's music tips!

Diana Krall



tisdag 27 november 2012

New info!

Hi there!
I just want to point out one thing that I think many have missed.
All music tips on the blog is NOT based on what I like, but I try to take artists from lot of different styles that I may not like so much, but because I know that there are others who do. Some things are even others who have sent in to me and it can ockå YOU   can also do if you want to email me at: 
Just wanted to say this because many people seem to think that I like all the music I post on the blog, and yes I love music and a lot of different music but I can not say I like everything;)
Hug <3


Jag vill bara påpeka en grej som jag tror många har missat.
Alla musiktips på bloggen är INTE utifrån vad jag gillar utan jag försöker att ta artister från massa olika stiler som jag kanske inte gillar så mycket men eftersom att jag vet att det finns andra som gör det. Vissa tips är det till och med andra som har skickat in till mig och det kan DU också göra om du vill maila mig på 
Ville bara säga detta eftersom att många verkar tro att jag gillar all musik jag publicerar på bloggen och ja jag älskar musik och väldigt mycket olika musik men jag kan inte säga att jag gillar allt ;)

lördag 24 november 2012

torsdag 22 november 2012

tisdag 20 november 2012

måndag 19 november 2012

söndag 18 november 2012

lördag 17 november 2012

Today's tips!(nr 2)

Here comes another Swedish artist!



Today's tips!

Today's music tips is:

Malcolm Brandin is a Swedish participants in the x factor!
He really is incredibly talented and I think everyone should listen to him.


torsdag 15 november 2012

onsdag 14 november 2012

tisdag 13 november 2012

Visit record:)

Today I had visited Records on the blog here, I am really excited about it :) 
It is so fun to drive a blog is that it is that so many people read and that I get the chance to do what I love to write and tell about music for music means almost everything to me!
Love you <3


Today's tips(nr 2)

Hey :)
Here is today's second music tips :)

Aaron Fresh 


Today's tips!

Today's music tips is:

Justin Timberlake


måndag 12 november 2012

söndag 11 november 2012

Today's tips!

Here coming today's music tips!

Swedish House Mafia - One (Your Name) 


Todays tips!

Today's music tips is:

The Script - Hall of Fame ft. 


fredag 9 november 2012

Weekly album!

here's this week's album :)


Celine Dion-Sans Attendre



onsdag 7 november 2012

söndag 4 november 2012

xfactor sweden 26/10-2012

Be in the audience at the Swedish x factor October 26!

Here are some pictures!
